How to correct a #DIV/0! error in excel with Kutools

Hello friends , one of my viewer Requested me to solve this Error. Here i gave you a explanation about
#DIV/0! error from microsoft page.

What is  #DIV/0! error in excel ?

Excel displays the #DIV/0! error when a number is divided either by zero (0) or by a cell that contains no value.


Excel displays the #DIV/0! error in one or more cells on a worksheet.


Entering a formula that performs explicit division by zero (0) — for example, =5/0.
Using a reference to a blank cell or to a cell that contains zero as the divisor in a formula or function that performs division.
Running a macro that uses a function or a formula that returns the #DIV/0! error.


When you copy the example data to a blank worksheet, the formulas in cells A3, A4, and A5 all return a #DIV/0! error.

Let us see how to solve this issue with Kutools. go to the downlink and download it for free and add it into your excel add-ins.
Download Kutools here

There is 3 types of option to change  #DIV/0! error in Kutools.see the explanation with examples.

Step No:1  #DIV/0! error change to blank cells : 

  1. Select the columns/rows that reflects with  #DIV/0! error.
  2. Go to Kutools Select More Tools then click Error condition Wizard.
  3. Select the optional as nothing (a blank cell)
  4. Press OK. now all error's will be blank.

Step No:2  #DIV/0! error change to ZERO (0)

  1. Select the columns/rows that reflects with  #DIV/0! error.
  2. Go to Kutools Select More Tools then click Error condition Wizard.
  3. Select the optional as A message text  give 0 in values column
  4. Press OK. now all error's will be appear as zero .

Step No: 3  #DIV/0! error change to selected Cell reference

  1. Select the columns/rows that reflects with  #DIV/0! error.
  2. Go to Kutools Select More Tools then click Error condition Wizard.
  3. Select the optional as A cell reference link to your cell  in values column
  4. Press OK. now all error's will be appear as your linked cell value .

I hope this will really help you guys to solve the error.

Please put a comment below if you have any doubts.

Author: Pavithra Damodhan

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